Why Work-Based Learning?
Work-based learning solves a problem that many jobseekers face: It’s hard to get a job without previous work experience, and it’s hard to get work experience without a job.
In work-based learning programs, young people and adults alike can get the experience employers are seeking and gain the skills and credentials they need to enter and succeed in careers. Workplace learning experiences are beneficial for all students but can be especially useful for low-income students, people who have jobs but lack the skills necessary for better-paying positions, and opportunity youth who may otherwise not have access to the educational opportunities, professional networks, and social capital that often play a critical role in career success.
Likewise, work-based learning helps employers gain access to job candidates who have the hands-on experience they’re seeking. Traditional classroom-based educations and many third-party job training programs don’t usually offer instruction tailored to the specific needs of individual employers. But when employers work with schools or other partners to design work-based learning programs, they can ensure that the curriculum and on-the-job activities cover the skills that workers need to succeed in crucial roles at their organizations.