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The Big Blur: How to Erase The Boundaries Between High School, College, and Career

April 6, 2022

[T]he greatest barrier [to postsecondary success] is the ‘seemingly intractable disconnect’ between high school, higher education, and the workforce.

The Big Blur: How to Erase The Boundaries Between High School, College, and Career

The Thomas B. Fordham Institute published an article that offers an in-depth look at Jobs for the Future’s “The Big Blur” report.

Published on the Ohio Gadfly Daily page of the Fordham Institute website, the article says that our Big Blur model promotes an innovative approach to improving U.S. postsecondary attainment rates because it recognizes that that “the greatest barrier [to postsecondary success] is the ‘seemingly intractable disconnect’ between high school, higher education, and the workforce.”