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Career Counselor Training

This training features a customized, ready-to-use curriculum and resources for supporting teams of senior staff and counselors through a process to identify and package information about best bets for use by students.

By making information about postsecondary programs and careers transparent and accessible, our training streamlines the counseling process, empowers students to become informed consumers, strengthens relationships between postsecondary providers (including college; short-term credentialing programs), and their community partners, and informs planning and revision of college pathways. This will help to improve college graduation rates.

Best Bet Service’s career counselor training features two sessions that build capacity for districts, community-based organizations, schools, and community colleges to identify best bets. Participants will conduct research, work with partners and be supported by ongoing technical assistance from JFF. Ultimately, participants walk away with best bet profiles and pathways in hand for use by counselors and students, along with the tools, resources, and knowledge to continue developing and refining these profiles.