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With a Degree No Longer Enough, Job Candidates are Told to Prove Their Skills in Tests

July 10, 2020

At a Glance

As the number of candidates balloons while health risks make it hard for hiring managers to meet with them in person, a trend toward “pre-hiring assessments” — already underway before the novel coronavirus swept through the country — is getting a huge push.

With employers fielding a lot more applicants, how do we help create equitable processes for people at the top of the funnel?

With a Degree No Longer Enough, Job Candidates are Told to Prove Their Skills in Tests

As millions of workers now navigate an uncertain future spurred by the global health crisis, they must find new ways to demonstrate what they know and can do. Traditional approaches to hiring that focus primarily on criteria such as background, degrees, and professional referrals are insufficient to address the current situation.

In response, a trend toward pre-hire assessments is emerging. An article published in The Washington Post, details how the economic reality created by the COVID-19 health crisis is increasing the momentum for assessments among employers who are looking for more effective solutions for understanding the skills of job applicants. The article features quotes and examples from Stephen Yadzinski, acting managing director, JFFLabs and our Social Impact Accelerator partners Cappfinity and Catalyte.

This trend in assessments is also helping the move towards a more equitable and inclusive world of work. One where opportunity is based on individuals’ capabilities, skills, and talents. And, one where companies benefit from better data. To learn more about the social impact capabilities of assessment technology, check out 2020 Assessment Technology.

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Employers are starting to recognize that there are people with the talent they’re looking for that don’t come from Harvard or the other colleges they have historically recruited from.

Alex Linley, CEO of Cappfinity

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