The Entrepreneurs Driving Career Navigation Innovation
March 8, 2022
At a Glance
JFFLabs features a cohort of seven entrepreneurs at the cutting edge of market trends, with potential for creating significant, business-aligned social impact.
To build pathways to opportunity for all, learners and workers need career navigation solutions that support advancement, not just access. Today, new opportunities and advances in technology have the potential to offer meaningful, robust, and personalized help—and with the Cognizant Foundation, Jobs for the Future (JFF) is supporting the innovators that are leading the way.
Efforts now underway at JFFLabs will accelerate the success of entrepreneurs building companies with career navigation solutions. These innovators are at the cutting edge of market trends, and each offers a potentially transformative innovation led by inspiring founders and teams.
Current Innovators
Meet our newest innovators developing solutions in career navigation.
JFFLabs selected a group of entrepreneurs with career navigation solutions that represent market trends and distinguish themselves from other forward-looking companies and solutions by their potential to create significant, business-aligned social impact. Each offers a potentially transformative innovation that goes beyond or is led by inspiring founders and teams that we believe in.
For years, JFFLabs has worked with mission-aligned entrepreneurs and companies to accelerate and scale new models and technology-based solutions. Past cohorts have focused on work-based learning, assessment technology, and immersive learning.
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