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JFF supports the White House Advanced Manufacturing Sprint

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Jobs for the Future (JFF), is joining the White House’s Advanced Manufacturing Sprint to support efforts to increase and diversify access to good, quality jobs.
Date January 11, 2024

JFF’s White House’s Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Sprint Webinar

Jobs for the Future (JFF), has joined the White House’s Advanced Manufacturing Sprint to support efforts to increase and diversify access to good, quality jobs. JFF hosted a webinar with Neera Tanden, White House Domestic Policy Advisor, on best practices to increase registered apprenticeships, strengthen education-to-workforce pathways, and broaden talent pipelines. JFF encourages our partners join us and commit to the Sprint! 

Why JFF Committed to the Sprint 

Historic investments have come through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS in Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act. They are poised to support the economy and economic advancement for many Americans. 

Yet we know that to ensure these efforts are successful, we must focus on the training and support of American workers to take on the new jobs that will be created. 

The White House sees this challenge as well and has launched efforts to encourage a focus on supporting workers. The Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Sprint (the Sprint) was announced in October and seeks to build a diverse, skilled pipeline of workers for good jobs, including union jobs, in advanced manufacturing. 

JFF has committed to the sprint and encourages other organizations to as well, including employers, unions, education and training providers, community-based groups, philanthropic organizations, and state and local governments. JFF’s commitments includes: 

  • Support the creation of partnerships linking unions, private employers, and community colleges to build apprenticeship programs 
  • Support Fortune 500 companies, such as HeinzKraft and Caterpillar, to create apprenticeship opportunities 
  • Provide free coaching and technical assistance for employers, and other group sponsors, launching a registered apprenticeship in manufacturing – including registration support, incentive funding, and developing equitable recruiting strategies 
  • Register at least 825 apprentices with at least 50% of apprentices from populations underrepresented in the workforce 

Learn more about White House Advanced Manufacturing Sprint

President Biden’s Investing in America agenda is creating demand for workers who are critical to building clean energy technologies, producing semiconductor chips, and driving a manufacturing boom all across the country. To help meet that rapidly growing demand, the Biden-Harris Administration has launched a new advanced manufacturing workforce sprint to expand and diversify pathways into good jobs and careers in advanced manufacturing. Good jobs align with the Department of Labor and Department of Commerce’s Good Jobs Principles, including ensuring workers receive fair wages and family-sustaining benefits, have the free and fair choice to join a union, and have equitable opportunities to advance into future good jobs.

This national Sprint is a call to action for employers, labor unions, workforce development organizations, and other organizations to support equitable workforce development in advanced manufacturing. The Sprint commitment survey requests information on any steps your organization may be taking or is planning to take to recruit, train, and support a diverse array of workers for advanced manufacturing roles.

Jobs for the Future (JFF) is a national nonprofit that drives transformation of the U.S. education and workforce systems to achieve equitable economic advancement for all.