Student Success Center Network Meeting
At a Glance
A meeting for SSC Network members to engage in strategy conversations on guided pathways implementation and Center functions with consultation from JFF and national providers, while hearing lessons from other Centers across the nation.At this semi-annual meeting of the Student Success Center Network, hosted in conjunction with the Postsecondary State Network Meeting, the Student Success Centers gather to advance their work on implementing guided pathways and building Center capacity to support their colleges. The Centers share learnings, discuss successes and challenges of their unique positions in the national landscape, and partner with JFF and national service providers who offer consultation and training in both guided pathways content areas and Center capacity and operations.
JFF manages the 15-state Student Success Center Network and provides coaching and brokers services via our state support teams. Each Student Success Center is a statewide organization that supports community colleges’ efforts to develop guided pathways and increase student completion rates, and as a national Network, the Student Success Centers serve 50% of U.S. public community colleges.
Contact Jenn Giffels with any questions about this event.