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In the News Supports JFF’s Outcomes for Opportunity Initiative with $4 Million Grant

JFF will enable workforce boards to make data actionable, enhance programs, and improve outcomes for underrepresented Americans.

July 13, 2020

At a Glance

JFF will enable workforce boards to make data actionable, enhance programs, and improve outcomes for underrepresented Americans.

Maria Flynn President & CEO 

Google’s new investments to spur economic opportunity for workers and learners through new digital training certification programs and grants to workforce development organizations are critical to ensuring an equitable economic recovery. We applaud Google for continuing to invest in programs that provide the necessary skills to help people advance in our nation’s tech-driven economy.

JFF is excited to expand our partnership with through the $4 million grant for the Outcomes for Opportunity Initiative announced today. Specifically, the initiative, led by JFF—with the support of the National Association of Workforce Boards and BrightHive—will enable workforce boards, job centers, and nonprofit job training providers to make data actionable, enhance programs, and improve outcomes for underrepresented Americans.

Securing and analyzing verifiable outcomes data is foundational to scaling effective solutions nationwide, which will help us accelerate the transformation of our nation’s workforce and education systems.

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