Yet, what we observe among those who have chosen the path less traveled hints at a subtle awareness shift taking place. All parties—young people, parents, and educators alike—want more information about nondegree pathways, and are hungry to understand what opportunity exists beyond the degree. And most importantly, those young people who are pursuing or have pursued apprenticeships, boot camps, certifications, micro-credentials, and beyond are generally satisfied with their choices. They are largely employed, and they are appreciative of the opportunity to connect learning to earning in a meaningful way that doesn’t come with a burdensome price tag or require them to put life on hold for four years.
With this research, we put forth a call for change and a request for students, parents, and educators everywhere to adopt a more open lens on what success looks like. We ask the public to help those young people who are about to transition to adult life to not resort to knee-jerk choices, but instead to ask the question, “What if?” We commit to playing a role in the establishment of a stronger framework of information and quality assurance that makes the choice less daunting and more realistic for millions of young Americans.