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Building a Successful Postsecondary Preparatory Program at a Back on Track School

May 11, 2018

At a Glance

North Queens Community High School serves approximately 200 over-aged and undercredited students as they strive to reach their personal and academic goals.

North Queens Community High School serves approximately 200 students, between 16 and 20 years old, as they strive to reach their personal and academic goals. All students at North Queens have previously been enrolled in high school elsewhere and are over-age and undercredited. Small class sizes, student-centered support, and an accelerated credit acquisition program help North Queens’ students get back on track toward earning a high school diploma. This case study tells the story of how North Queens’ postsecondary preparation program developed over the past four years. It offers nine related tools and resources and presents five design elements that distill several essential aspects of the school’s postsecondary preparation program.

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