The California Career Pathways Trust: Sustaining Regional Cross-Sector Partnerships
The state of California made a huge investment, $500 million, when it established the California Careers Pathways Trust in 2014. This program funded regional consortia to expand career pathways for high school students to earn credentials leading to high-wage careers. Since 2015, JFF and its partners have researched the progress of regional consortia grantees from the first CCPT cohort. This final cornerstone report and its companion pieces explore the sustainability of these efforts, the necessary resources for success, and other key findings.
November 19, 2018
At a Glance
The state of California made a huge investment, $500 million, when it established the California Careers Pathways Trust in 2014. This program funded regional consortia to expand career pathways for high school students to earn credentials leading to high-wage careers. Since 2015, JFF and its partners have researched the progress of regional consortia grantees from the first CCPT cohort. This final cornerstone report and its companion pieces explore the sustainability of these efforts, the necessary resources for success, and other key findings.