Coach-Specific Tools and Templates
January 27, 2020
Craft of Coaching
1. Setting Up Your Engagement
This section contains tools that will help coaches and colleges set themselves up for success as they begin working together. Coaches will also find some of the data tools useful. In particular, we encourage coaches to explore and become familiar with the early momentum metrics as they begin their engagements with colleges.
2. The Engagement
This section contains tools that coaches will find useful during the course of their engagements with colleges. It includes agendas, facilitation tips, and more.
3. Post-Engagement
This section contains tools that coaches can use to solicit feedback on their work with colleges to ensure that the relationship remains productive and trusting.
Coming Soon
Guided Pathways
These tools will be intended to help educate and inform coaches about the elements of the guided pathways model. It may be appropriate to share some of these tools with colleges as they work through various pieces of guided pathways.