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Common Cause: Community-Based Organizations and Community Colleges Partner for Student Success

May 11, 2018

At a Glance

This brief tells the story of a unique partnership between the Bronx Opportunity Network—an alliance of community-based organizations—and two major community colleges to better serve struggling students.

Cheryl A. Almeida
Lili Allen Senior Advisor

This brief tells the story of a unique partnership in the Bronx, between the Bronx Opportunity Network—an alliance of community-based organizations—and two major community colleges, Bronx and Hostos. With input from the CBOs, both colleges have changed institutional practices to better serve their students and collaborate with essential partners. While this partnership is still evolving, early results of the collaboration are extremely positive.

This report builds on a paper by JobsFirstNYC to describe a promising approach—community colleges partnering with local organizations and agencies that have a track record of working effectively with young people struggling to better their lives.

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