Advancing Dual Enrollment in California
Dual enrollment has long been recognized as a powerful strategy to increase college enrollment, success, affordability. Yet compared to many other states, California has been slow to embrace this proven approach. With support from the College Futures Foundation, JFF and Career Ladders Project have conducted research on the evolution and current state of dual enrollment policy and practice in California. Together we have developed joint recommendations for expanding dual enrollment in California and expanding its impact.
October 4, 2018
At a Glance
Dual enrollment has long been recognized as a powerful strategy to increase college enrollment, success, affordability. Yet compared to many other states, California has been slow to embrace this proven approach. With support from the College Futures Foundation, JFF and Career Ladders Project have conducted research on the evolution and current state of dual enrollment policy and practice in California. Together we have developed joint recommendations for expanding dual enrollment in California and expanding its impact.