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Pathways to Prosperity Framework

October 15, 2021

JFF’s Pathways to Prosperity Network is boldly reimagining how U.S. education and workforce systems meet state and regional talent needs and prepare young people for careers. The Pathways to Prosperity Framework is designed for communities to develop college and career pathways that help young people advance from high school, to postsecondary education, and into family-supporting careers.

Practices & Centers


JFF’s Pathways to Prosperity Network aims that more young people complete high school, earn a postsecondary credential with value in the labor market, and launch a career while leaving open the prospect of further education.

The Pathways to Prosperity Framework is designed for communities to develop college and career pathways that help young people advance from high school, to postsecondary education, and into family-supporting careers.


Through its nationwide work since 2012, the Pathways to Prosperity Network has identified five key levers that are critical to successful college and career pathways systems. Learn about the five Pathways to Prosperity Levers by clicking on the icons below.

Secondary-Postsecondary Integration

Career Navigation Systems

Work-Based Learning


Leadership and Policy

The Pathways to Prosperity Network

JFF’s Pathways to Prosperity Network is boldly reimagining how U.S. education and workforce systems meet state and regional talent needs and prepare young people for careers.

Here’s our vision:

  • Every young person has clear goals for college and career and the support to achieve them.
  • Every employer has a talent pipeline of young professionals with the skills needed to contribute to and lead the workforce.
  • Every regional and state economy is thriving and provides its citizens with opportunities for economic advancement.