Not Just Another College-to-Career Initiative: Advancing Equity and Economic Prosperity Through California Regional Collaboratives
Advancing Equity and Economic Prosperity Through California Regional Collaboratives
January 20, 2023
In this webinar, JFF brought together regional leaders from longstanding and early-stage cross-sector collaboratives to learn how California investments in regional college and career pathways are being leveraged to address equity gaps and drive economic recovery.
The Regional K-16 Educational Collaboratives Grant Program is one of several California statewide investments focused on increasing regional economic prosperity by ending longstanding inequities and creating pathways to education and employment in quality jobs. This webinar, hosted by JFF, brought together regional California leaders to consider how this investment is being deployed to build upon local assets and respond to regional needs.
This event featured the following speakers:
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Advancing Equity and Economic Prosperity Through California Regional Collaboratives
JFF designs place-based strategies to advance economic opportunity through activation of cross-sector networks and an unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. JFF designs place-based strategies to advance economic opportunity through activation of cross-sector networks…
California has a history of investing in regional strategies to support the educational attainment and economic growth of its many regional economies. These include the Strong Workforce Program, California Career Pathways Trust, to name a…