The Need
Despite job market fluctuations, demand for skilled workers in IT occupations has remained relatively stable, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projecting continuing growth through 2031. Digital jobs are found across all sectors of the economy. Digital skills provide a career pathway into middle- and high-skill jobs; however, the vast majority of roles still call for a four-year degree. Further, the complex credentialing landscape makes it difficult for learners, workers, and employers to identify which credentials best support entry and advancement within the sector.
What Are Digital Jobs?
Based on prior work in the field, as well as analysis of labor market data, Jobs for the Future (JFF) developed the following definition to help guide and structure the focus on digital jobs:
Digital jobs are defined roles in which people who have IT expertise provide services to individuals and organizations to help them build, maintain, or upgrade computer systems, networks, or software, with an emphasis on cloud computing, big data, and cybersecurity.