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Jobs for the Future: Impact Report 2014

November 20, 2014

At a Glance

This report highlights our accomplishments over the past year and our impact on the nation’s most pressing social and economic challenges. It also charts our progress in achieving outcomes that we believe are critical to our long-term success.

This report highlights our accomplishments over the past year and our impact on the nation’s most pressing social and economic challenges. It also charts our progress in achieving three outcomes that we believe are critical to our long-term success—increasing the number of:

  • Young people on a path to college success
  • Adults who earn a credential with value in the labor market
  • Adults who move into or advance in a family-supporting career

This year also marks the end of a five-year strategic plan for JFF and the launch of a new one. As we look ahead, we are focusing on key strategies that cut across all our areas of work—especially structured career pathways, credentialing systems, and employer engagement and investment. We are harnessing the expertise of staff to come up with bigger-picture approaches for bigger impact. And perhaps most important, we are identifying what works and how to bring those ideas to more and more people across the country. We are adapting our proven models to the specific needs of regional economies and developing long-term strategies to help build strong regional workforce systems.