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New Directions From Community Colleges: Necessary Change

March 17, 2023

At a Glance

The Student Success Center Network (SSCN) is a partnership of 17 Student Success Centers, each supporting state-based networks of community colleges to increase student completion rates, close equity gaps, and strengthen communities. Featured as a chapter in the New Directions From Community Colleges, Debra Bragg addresses how Centers work to encourage and coordinate diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

Debra D. Bragg, president of Bragg & Associates, Inc.
Practices & Centers

In New Directions for Community Colleges: Necessary change: What student success centers can do to support more equitable student success, Debra Bragg addresses the ways that Centers are working to encourage and coordinate diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. This article provides examples from across 16 Centers with emphasis on six student success centers in Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington.


Source: Debra Bragg. Necessary change: What student success centers can do to support more equitable student success. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. January 2023)