Berkeley, California-based Roots of Success is a federally-registered environmental literacy and apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship program specifically designed for youth and adults who are members of populations that face barriers to education and employment, including people with records of arrest, conviction, or incarceration. Under the leadership of Executive Director Raquel Pinderhughes, an urban studies and planning professor at San Francisco State University and an expert on the green economy, Roots of Success brings transformative educational programming to communities that have been underserved by public and private institutions. Pinderhughes has the expertise and vision to deliver powerful results.
Roots of Success offers Registered Apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs centered around a comprehensive 10-module course. These experiences prepare participants for quality jobs in green infrastructure projects in sectors that include water, waste, transportation, energy, building, food, and open space. Pre-apprentices graduate from the program with an “Environmental Specialist” certificate and the knowledge and skills needed to access more than 50 jobs within these sectors and 111 career pathways with more advanced study.
One standout aspect of the Roots of Success approach is that it empowers people who have been incarcerated—57% of Roots of Success participants are currently incarcerated and 42% were previously incarcerated. The program is offered in correctional facilities throughout the United States and is taught and run by apprentices and journey-level workers who are incarcerated and are usually employed full time to manage and teach the course. Many of these instructors are serving long-term or life sentences, and they are deeply motivated to help fellow residents get on pathways that enable them to avoid returning to prison. Compensation for teaching the course is limited by existing carceral wage scales, so instructors don’t receive the same level of pay as apprentices who aren’t incarcerated, but the initiative marks a significant step toward normalizing career opportunities for people who are incarcerated. It also shifts perceptions about what is possible among people who are incarcerated and instills in them a powerful sense of autonomy and purpose.
Pinderhughes ensures that Roots of Success remains attuned to the needs of participants by actively seeking and acting upon feedback from them. The curriculum is designed to reflect the experiences of people from low-income backgrounds and communities of color, allowing students in the program to see themselves represented in the material. To ensure that course content is culturally relevant for participants, there are 10 versions of the curriculum, each designed for a specific population.
[Raquel Pinderhughes] has created a model for transformative education and empowerment.
Most of the Roots of Success classes offered in state prisons take place without security staff present, creating a safe space that fosters trust between instructors and participants. By eliminating some of the institutional power dynamics, Pinderhughes clears a path for individuals to grow and realize their full potential. The program also benefits prison administrators and staff by giving individuals who are incarcerated meaningful activities to engage in, thus limiting idle time, encouraging prosocial behavior, and reducing violence.
Roots of Success leads with love, increasing knowledge and skills to enable people to achieve more. It provides an educational experience for people who are unable to pursue postsecondary education and training experiences, and for many, it serves as a bridge to higher education and careers.
The program’s website offers statistics that illustrate its impact: More than 28,000 people have completed the Roots of Success course in the past 15 years, and 75% of graduates who took the course in community settings found a job within three months. The organization also says that its data from the past decade shows significant reductions in violence in corrections facilities that offer the program, and while it has had more than 11,000 participants go through the program while incarcerated in its 15-year history, there has only been one disciplinary infraction.
Pinderhughes has created a model for transformative education and empowerment, and under her direction, Roots of Success has fostered growth among people living in some of the most challenging environments, helping them to express their full potential.