Focus on the talent development needs of regional and state economies.
December 21, 2018
The future of work and learning not only exists in systems but within communities made up of individuals existing in cities, suburbs, and rural areas. Our nation must take proactive measures to grow the talent within these communities so that the people of this country always hold valuable skills and credentials. We believe that this can be a reality through the public higher education system. To guide states, JFF designed an evidence-based, postsecondary policy agenda and report, analyzing the extent to which recommended policies have taken hold in a representative sample of 15 states.
Focus on the talent development needs of regional and state economies.
Create efficient pathways to postsecondary credentials.
Help all students fulfill their potential.
We created a comprehensive reforms agenda framed around three strategies for making postsecondary education work for students and the economy. Our goal is to guide policymakers in setting the right policy conditions to help states build a postsecondary trained workforce for a rapidly changing economy.
Through extensive field research, we analyzed the postsecondary policies of states within our network. Our report showcases how much progress states have made in adopting recommended policies and identifies areas where there is room for improvement.
JFF invites state policymakers, business leaders, postsecondary practitioners, and a wide variety of partners to use these resources when assessing their own states’ policy conditions and in developing policy solutions to effect change. Based on JFF’s decades of experience collaborating with education leaders at the forefront of the college completion movement, we know there are no simple answers or one-size-fits-all approaches to making change through state policy. Please consider calling on us to advise and support your work ahead.
Focusing on the crucial role of two-year community and technical colleges, the goal of this policy agenda is to make pursuit of postsecondary credentials simpler, faster, and more affordable. We call on states to strengthen…
JFF research finds that states have made progress in adopting several essential policy elements, but critical gaps remain that are undercutting talent development aims and contributing to persistent disparities in education and employment outcomes. JFF…
Reforming math in Florida, ensuring equity in Washington, boosting student support in Michigan, partnering with the workforce system in New Jersey—JFF’s renowned network advances policies and practices that help all students attain high-value credentials. Reforming…
JFF Vice President Michael Collins shares his personal story to highlight how our Postsecondary State Network helps people at the bottom of the income ladder climb up.
This national network scales proven practices to help more than 4.5 million students earn credentials that lead to well paying jobs. Nearly half of U.S. community colleges are connected to the Student Success Center Network.…