Note: Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), there are additional work-based training options and flexibilities for adults, dislocated workers, and youth. Work-based training presents an opportunity for fostering increased employer engagement, implementation of sector strategies, apprenticeships, and industry partnerships, as these types of trainings allow employers to train their employees while their employees continue to be productive members of the workforce. OJT is one such work-based training for the Adult and Dislocated Worker programs.
WIOA expands the options for using OJT contracts to support apprenticeship and work-based learning strategies. In some cases, up to 75 percent of an apprentices’ wages may be reimbursed by the public workforce system if the worker is eligible for WIOA support and if employers meet certain requirements. State and local workforce agencies can work with the employers or other local apprenticeship programs and sponsors to develop OJT contracts to support apprentices’ on-the-job learning. OJT contracts can only be used to reimburse employers for wages for on-the-job experience and cannot be used for the related training and instruction.