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Technology Internships Prove Flexible, Resilient, and Critical During COVID

July 26, 2022

At a Glance

This research is about how one community college preserved and strengthened their technology internships during COVID with commitment and creativity. Although the college, employers, and students faced technical, logistical, and supervisory challenges in maintaining technology internships through the pandemic, the college was committed to ensuring their resilience because they were required for graduation. As a result, many interns had opportunities to gain new skills related to navigating virtual work arrangements. In addition, employers drew on interns to fill staffing shortages and internships continued to serve as a key bridge to technology employment during the pandemic.

Lois Joy Director
Matthew Longo Senior Program Manager
Fran O’Reilly, Senior Researcher, JFF
Angela Estacion, Senior Research Manager, WestEd
Practices & Centers

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