Community and technical colleges provide workers in various industries, including manufacturing, with education and skills that pay off in the workplace. Recognizing the need for new education models, more of these colleges are partnering with employers to change the way workers are trained and advance in their careers. Administrators and faculty members considering developing work-based courses should begin by answering two questions:
1) Do work-based courses fill a gap in the college’s degree offerings? Look at whether and how work-based courses can support students and companies in a way that internships, on-the-job training, apprenticeships, or other types of work-based learning have not. In your credit offerings that accrue to a certificate or degree, where would potential work-based courses fit?
2) Is the college prepared to deliver work-based courses effectively? Answering this requires some introspection. A college administrator or technical faculty spearheading a program should ask, “Is my college ready to implement such a program?” Some qualities of successful colleges include flexibility, support from leadership for innovation, and a choice of funding sources. Work-based courses are also more likely to succeed if colleges already have an understanding of the regional manufacturing economy and trusted, collaborative relationships with some local employers.