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5 results

Designing Youth Apprenticeships for DEIA: Webinar Recap and Resources

This brief summarizes a policy webinar analyzing youth participation in Registered Apprenticeship programs and recommends further reading, tools and resources to build equity and inclusion into apprenticeships. Results JFF engaged a broad group of subject…

September 12, 2024

Enabling Strategic Early Postsecondary in Youth Apprenticeship

This planning checklist can help youth apprenticeship stakeholders inventory the relationships, policies, and data needed to initiate or scale high quality early postsecondary or dual enrollment within youth apprenticeship. Results JFF engaged a broad group…

September 4, 2024

Educator Apprenticeship DEIA Rubric

JFF has created this rubric to guide program design and implementation for Educator Apprenticeships to create a more diverse and better prepared education workforce that will benefit students, teachers, and districts.   Results Benefits of…

June 21, 2024

Framework for High-Quality Pre-Apprenticeship:

This pre-apprenticeship framework outlines the six essential elements of a high-quality pre-apprenticeship program with a focus on CTE. Results This pre-apprenticeship framework outlines the six essential elements of a high-quality pre-apprenticeship program with a focus…

June 21, 2024

Youth Apprenticeship Road Map: A Youth Apprenticeship Intermediary Journey

Jobs for the Future (JFF) was contracted by the U.S. Department of Labor as a Youth Apprenticeship Intermediary (YAI) between 2019 and 2023. This road map is an account of the strategies implemented and lessons…

June 20, 2024

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