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62 results
Case Study

Expanding Apprenticeship to Human Resources with JFF, SHRM Partnership

One of the first national HR apprenticeship programs is underway, thanks to support from DOL , JFF, and a strong industry sponsor. Connecting workers to high-growth careers is a foundation of Registered Apprenticeship, and the…

May 26, 2022

A Business Pledge to Increase Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Registered Apprenticeship

Take the Pledge to Show Your Support to Increase Access to Apprenticeship Opportunities for Underrepresented Populations. Take the Pledge to Show Your Support to Increase Access to Apprenticeship Opportunities for Underrepresented Populations. By taking this…

December 2, 2021

How Young Adults Can Advance in a Turbulent Economy

Millions of young adults who lost jobs in the pandemic are still either unemployed or working in low-wage jobs that don’t cover their basic needs. This report highlights four strategies to guide talent developers to…

November 30, 2021

Providing Support for Community Colleges Now, and a Lever for Transformative Change

With JFF’s support of implementations of the Google IT Support Professional Certificate program, participating community colleges demonstrated that a competency-based curriculum could successfully help low-credentialed adults advance in the IT sector. With JFF’s support of…

February 16, 2021

State Policy Road Map for an Equitable Economic Recovery

In response to historic inequities that have only been exacerbated during times of crisis, JFF urges policymakers to think about COVID-19 recovery differently. This recovery must be equitable, with a vision that ensures systemic transformation,…

January 25, 2021

How Apprenticeship Programs for Opportunity Youth Stay Resilient Through the COVID-19 Recession

This report looks at strategies for sustaining and expanding Registered Apprenticeship pathways for opportunity youth during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors highlight promising practices from workforce boards and community-based organizations, and address topics including the…

October 13, 2020

Apprenticeship by State

This podcast series features apprenticeship agency directors from states across the U.S. discussing what you need to know to start a program and how to attract in-school and out-of-school youth into your apprenticeship. As Registered…

August 9, 2020

The Next-Gen IMT Apprenticeship: A Return on Investment Study

This study measures the business impact of the Industrial Manufacturing Technician Registered Apprenticeship program on six apprenticeship sponsors. Apprenticeships are drastically underutilized as a standard part of the development and training of the American workforce.…

July 31, 2020

Transforming IT Training Programs into Successful Career On-Ramps

The IT industry is dynamic and quickly evolving. As a surge of diverse training models across subsectors and occupations is becoming available, this is a unique opportunity to enhance training practices and better align them…

July 23, 2020

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