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623 results

JFF's Program Design Framework for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Registered Apprenticeship

This framework offers field-informed program design elements and considerations for building systems, processes, partnerships, and practices that can drive diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in Registered Apprenticeship programs. Visit JFF's Center for Apprenticeship & Work-Based…

September 13, 2022

The Current State of Diversity and Equity in U.S. Apprenticeships For Young People

Jobs for the Future (JFF) recently analyzed a decade of federal RA data from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)’s Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database System (RAPIDS) to glean insights about the system’s youngest apprentices—ages…

September 13, 2022

Young Adults in Registered Apprenticeship

Young adults are invaluable members of our labor market and bring critical talent, capacity, skill, and innovation to the workforce. However, many young adults—especially those ages 16-24 from low-income communities—face significantbarriers in the labor market.…

August 23, 2022

How Public and Nonprofit Partnerships Can Assure Quality for Learners

Across the country, leaders in postsecondary education and workforce development have leaned into strategies around data-driven decision-making to improve their programs and policies and increase learners’ and workers’ real-world success. The work being done in…

August 18, 2022

Digital Resilience in the American Workforce: Findings from a National Landscape Scan on Adult Digital Literacy Instruction

In the first year of the Digital Resilience in the American Workforce (DRAW) initiative, Jobs for the Future (JFF), World Education, and Safal Partners launched a landscape scan to better understand what training resources and…

August 15, 2022

Technology Internships Prove Flexible, Resilient, and Critical During COVID

This research is about how one community college preserved and strengthened their technology internships during COVID with commitment and creativity. Although the college, employers, and students faced technical, logistical, and supervisory challenges in maintaining technology…

July 26, 2022

Congressional Staff Network

Congressional Staff Network Since 2008, JFF has convened a Congressional Staff Network that supports the knowledge sharing among congressional staff concerning workforce-related education, training, and employment policy issues currently confronting the federal government and Congress.

July 7, 2022

Responses to Potential Sponsors’ Concerns About Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship

Organizations considering registering an apprenticeship program often have concerns about what apprenticeship equal employment opportunity regulations mean for them. These talking points address many of their frequently-asked questions. Organizations considering registering an apprenticeship program often…

July 7, 2022

Suggested Additions to Employer Acceptance Agreement Template (Appendix E to Registered Apprenticeship Standards)

This version of the Employer Acceptance Agreement template contains additional provisions for Registered Apprenticeship sponsors that provides more detail as to an employer's obligations under Equal Employment Opportunity regulations. This version of the Employer Acceptance…

July 7, 2022

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