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623 results

Remote Ready?

Low-income older workers have largely been left out of the dramatic shift toward remote work, potentially cutting off valuable opportunities for greater productivity, flexibility, and economic advancement. This paper explores how to make remote work…

November 12, 2021

Tech-Enabled Workforce Boards Drive Innovation in Their Communities

In this story, we explore how the Future of Work Grand Challenge reversed the dynamic of workforce boards playing catch-up and reacting to technological changes by creating an opportunity, in the midst of a generational…

November 9, 2021

Don't Leave Talent on the Table: How to Diversify Your Manufacturing Workforce

Hear from manufacturing leaders and workforce experts in this webinar recording on ways to expand your talent pipeline and diversify your workforce. Hear from manufacturing leaders and workforce experts in this webinar recording on ways…

November 4, 2021

Digital Resilience in the American Workforce (DRAW)

Through DRAW, JFF, and its partners offer evidence-based, piloted strategies and materials that help adult education teachers build the digital literacy skills and digital resilience of adult learners for educational, employment, and economic success. Professional…

October 25, 2021

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Career Navigation Systems

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Career Navigation Systems What Role Partners Play Secondary and postsecondary educators, including counselors and advisors, develop and implement a college and career advising continuum. They identify student milestones along the continuum,…

October 22, 2021

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Leadership and Policy

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Leadership and Policy What Role Partners Play Policymakers and secondary, postsecondary, and workforce system leaders collaborate to remove policy barriers and implement policy solutions. Stakeholders from all sectors support the effective…

October 20, 2021

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Intermediaries

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Intermediaries What Role Partners Play Intermediaries connect and convene regional teams of cross-sector stakeholders and provide leadership to help them develop a shared vision and goals for pathways. They also guide…

October 20, 2021

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Secondary-Postsecondary Integration

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Secondary-Postsecondary Integration What Roles Partners Play Secondary and postsecondary educators collaborate on designing career pathways that incorporate dual enrollment opportunities and equip students with skills and knowledge that are in demand…

October 20, 2021

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Work-Based Learning

Pathways to Prosperity Levers: Work-Based Learning JFF’s Work-Based Learning Framework What Role Partners Play Secondary and postsecondary educators, employers, and intermediaries collaboratively design a continuum of work-based learning experiences and arrange for students to be…

October 19, 2021

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