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84 results

JFF's Program Design Framework for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Registered Apprenticeship

This framework offers field-informed program design elements and considerations for building systems, processes, partnerships, and practices that can drive diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in Registered Apprenticeship programs. Visit JFF's Center for Apprenticeship & Work-Based…

September 13, 2022

Responses to Potential Sponsors’ Concerns About Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship

Organizations considering registering an apprenticeship program often have concerns about what apprenticeship equal employment opportunity regulations mean for them. These talking points address many of their frequently-asked questions. Organizations considering registering an apprenticeship program often…

July 7, 2022

Suggested Additions to Employer Acceptance Agreement Template (Appendix E to Registered Apprenticeship Standards)

This version of the Employer Acceptance Agreement template contains additional provisions for Registered Apprenticeship sponsors that provides more detail as to an employer's obligations under Equal Employment Opportunity regulations. This version of the Employer Acceptance…

July 7, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions About Group Sponsors’ Obligations Under the Apprenticeship Equal Employment Opportunity Regulations

In a group sponsorship, apprentices work for participating employers rather than for the sponsor itself. These FAQs address a group sponsor’s obligations to ensure that its apprenticeship program complies with equal employment opportunity regulations. Some…

June 1, 2022
Case Study

Expanding Apprenticeship to Human Resources with JFF, SHRM Partnership

One of the first national HR apprenticeship programs is underway, thanks to support from DOL , JFF, and a strong industry sponsor. Connecting workers to high-growth careers is a foundation of Registered Apprenticeship, and the…

May 26, 2022

Getting Serious: Apprenticeship Equity Solutions for Employers and Sponsors

JFF’s National Innovation Hub for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility hosted this first-of-its-kind, two-day virtual summit in May 2022. Hear from employers across the country on how they’re using the earn-and-learn model of apprenticeship to…

May 5, 2022

Registered Apprenticeship Roles and Responsibilities: Intermediaries and Sponsors

This tool helps organizations decide whether they should serve as an intermediary or sponsor and identify the skills and resources they will need to successfully implement the role that they decide to play. This tool…

April 13, 2022

Promising Approaches for Connecting Opportunity Youth to Registered Apprenticeships

Learn promising practices in building and growing successful apprenticeship programs for opportunity youth. Learn promising practices in building and growing successful apprenticeship programs for opportunity youth. The number of opportunity youth—young people ages 16 to…

December 7, 2021

A Business Pledge to Increase Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Registered Apprenticeship

Take the Pledge to Show Your Support to Increase Access to Apprenticeship Opportunities for Underrepresented Populations. Take the Pledge to Show Your Support to Increase Access to Apprenticeship Opportunities for Underrepresented Populations. By taking this…

December 2, 2021

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