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623 results

Establish Competency-Based and Hybrid Apprenticeship

This self-paced, online training course will help you plan, design, and implement a hybrid or competency-based Registered Apprenticeship. It will help get your program started and walk through considerations to keep it successful once launched.…

March 24, 2021

Choose Your Apprenticeship Approach

In this self-paced, online training course, you will decide whether to design your Registered Apprenticeship with an approach that advances apprentices based on their time learning, competencies learned, or a combination of the two. In…

March 24, 2021

Podcast | The Impact Opportunity of Career Navigation Technology in the Workforce System

JFFLabs joins the NAWB for an in-depth look at the potential of the workforce system to drive innovation in the career navigation technology market and provide workers with more opportunities for economic advancement. Listen to…

March 9, 2021

Dual Enrollment for Students from Special Populations

Interest in dual enrollment is rising in California and nationwide, but students from special populations—including English learners, students with disabilities, foster youth, and young people experiencing homelessness—are too often left on the sidelines. This report…

March 2, 2021

Providing Support for Community Colleges Now, and a Lever for Transformative Change

With JFF’s support of implementations of the Google IT Support Professional Certificate program, participating community colleges demonstrated that a competency-based curriculum could successfully help low-credentialed adults advance in the IT sector. With JFF’s support of…

February 16, 2021

Accelerated and Efficient Pathways to Postsecondary Credentials With Labor Market Value

JFF calls on states to build accelerated and efficient pathways that provide all learners, especially members of underserved and underrepresented populations, with opportunities to acquire skills and credentials that are valued in the labor market.…

February 12, 2021

Nonprofits Offer a Road Map for Colleges Implementing the Google IT Certificate Program

This brief offers a look at actionable strategies developed by nonprofit organizations that community colleges can follow to increase learner retention, completion, and job placement rates through short-term and online workforce training models. This brief…

February 12, 2021

Expansion of Quality Jobs

JFF calls on states to encourage employers to create quality jobs—meaning jobs that offer more than a steady paycheck and basic benefits like health insurance. Employers must also adopt more equitable and inclusive talent practices…

February 5, 2021

Inclusive Approach to Economic Development

JFF calls on states to build diversified and resilient regional economies by establishing inclusive approaches to economic development that are specifically designed to benefit vulnerable, disadvantaged communities. This brief is part of an 11-part series,…

February 5, 2021

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