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37 results

Closing the Gap: The Future of Apprenticeship in California

The driving force of California’s growing innovation economy is talent. However, there is also a growing mismatch between the type of talent in demand and the type of talent in supply. This paper describes why…

December 18, 2018

Investments in Opportunity Youth Fuel Prosperity

Investments in Opportunity Youth Fuel Prosperity In preparation for a new Congress and development of the FY2020 federal budget, JFF developed Investments in Opportunity Youth Fuel Prosperity, a brief highlighting how investments in opportunity youth…

December 4, 2018

Leveraging Perkins V to Support College and Career Pathways

The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) can directly advance the national college and career pathways movement. In this brief, JFF offers practical recommendations to help state policymakers leverage…

November 28, 2018

Making Higher Education Policy Work for Opportunity Youth

Making Higher Education Policy Work for Opportunity Youth While the economy has improved in recent years, millions of Americans don’t have the credentials they need to secure high-quality, family-supporting jobs. This is particularly true among…

October 31, 2018

State Policy Paper Series: Strengthening Pathways toward Postsecondary Success

The emphasis in the papers on metrics, money, and systems integration reflects the collective vision of JFF’s Policy Leadership Trust for Student Success on the appropriate role of policy in catalyzing change among systems and…

September 17, 2018

Beyond WIOA: Why Should Workforce Development Boards Care about Education Policy?

Beyond WIOA: Why Should Workforce Development Boards Care about Education Policy? This report outlines the importance of national education policy for carrying out comprehensive workforce development systems under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. And…

June 11, 2018

How to Scale College in High School

How to Scale College in High School This guide provides state and local policymakers with a clear roadmap for leveraging the Every Student Succeeds Act to support the implementation of early college and dual enrollment…

May 30, 2018

Framing the Opportunity: Eight State Policy Recommendations that Support Postsecondary Credential Completion for Underserved Populations

Framing the Opportunity: Eight State Policy Recommendations that Support Postsecondary Credential Completion for Underserved Populations To reestablish the US’s place among nations with high postsecondary completion rates—a distinction it’s lost in recent years—states are actively…

May 14, 2018

Building Pathways to Credentials, Careers, and Economic Mobility: Recommendations for the Trump Administration

Building Pathways to Credentials, Careers, and Economic Mobility: Recommendations for the Trump Administration The United States needs bold and scalable solutions to harness the enormous untapped talent and potential of all Americans. Economic development and…

May 11, 2018

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