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113 results

Registered Apprenticeship Roles and Responsibilities: Intermediaries and Sponsors

This tool helps organizations decide whether they should serve as an intermediary or sponsor and identify the skills and resources they will need to successfully implement the role that they decide to play. This tool…

April 13, 2022

Strengthening STEM and Computer Science Outcomes for Tennessee High School Students

The Work-Based Courses Blueprint is a foundational guide for all Tennessee SySTEM school sites engaged in designing and developing work-based courses for 11th and 12th grade students. Specifically, this blueprint covers pertinent work-based courses topics…

March 29, 2022

Promising Approaches for Connecting Opportunity Youth to Registered Apprenticeships

Learn promising practices in building and growing successful apprenticeship programs for opportunity youth. Learn promising practices in building and growing successful apprenticeship programs for opportunity youth. The number of opportunity youth—young people ages 16 to…

December 7, 2021

A Business Pledge to Increase Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Registered Apprenticeship

Take the Pledge to Show Your Support to Increase Access to Apprenticeship Opportunities for Underrepresented Populations. Take the Pledge to Show Your Support to Increase Access to Apprenticeship Opportunities for Underrepresented Populations. By taking this…

December 2, 2021

Modern Apprenticeships for a Modern Age: Employers Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the U.S. Registered Apprenticeship System

JFF celebrates the launch of its new national Center of Excellence to Advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) in Registered Apprenticeship through lively roundtable discussions with employers on the importance of DEIA in apprenticeships.…

November 19, 2021

Youth Apprenticeship: A Vision for the Future, A Plan for Today

Learn more about the promise of apprenticeship for in-school and out-of-school youth. Learn more about the promise of apprenticeship for in-school and out-of-school youth. Visit JFF's Center for Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning Panels Introduction &…

November 16, 2021

Don't Leave Talent on the Table: How to Diversify Your Manufacturing Workforce

Hear from manufacturing leaders and workforce experts in this webinar recording on ways to expand your talent pipeline and diversify your workforce. Hear from manufacturing leaders and workforce experts in this webinar recording on ways…

November 4, 2021

How to Register an Apprenticeship Program

Complete your Standards of Apprenticeship—an essential part of registering an apprenticeship program—with this training course. Complete your Standards of Apprenticeship—an essential part of registering an apprenticeship program—with this training course. Trouble accessing? Learn how to…

September 14, 2021

5 Steps to Identifying Occupations for Apprenticeship

This self-paced, online training course walks you through how to identify occupations that are a good fit for youth apprenticeship based on a five-step occupational selection approach. This self-paced, online training course walks you through…

August 4, 2021

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Where do we stand on the biggest education, economic, and equity issues of the day? Read our blog to find out.