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Activator Training Program

Learn how to engage employers in implementing more equitable hiring and talent management practices with the Activator Training Program. Developed for change leaders, business advisors, and workforce specialists, the Activator Training Program provides guidance to…

March 25, 2024

Recommendations for a Fully Funded and Transformed Workforce Development System

In this brief, Jobs for the Future (JFF) presents our policy recommendations for overhauling the U.S. workforce development and postsecondary education systems—and putting millions more people on pathways to quality jobs. Recommendations   Endnotes This…

March 25, 2024

Upskilling For All: A Discussion between Maria Flynn and Jeff Selingo

In this insightful interview, Maria discusses the pivotal role of Jobs for the Future (JFF) amid the current job market upheaval, echoing the organization’s mission to foster quality job opportunities for workers facing systemic barriers. 

March 21, 2024

Design and Implementation of College and Career Pathways in Rural Communities

College and career pathways are a critical strategy for supporting economic development in rural communities and creating economic advancement opportunities for youth. However, implementing pathways requires recognizing rural communities’ unique needs and opportunities. This report…

March 20, 2024

Equity in Action: Exploring Nine Case Examples in California

JFF provides nine examples of high-impact efforts in California that are undertaking the work of advancing equity, offering lessons for state leaders looking to maximize impact of their investments.  Across the United States, various investments…

March 18, 2024

Recommendations from Jobs for the Future on Proposed Rule Changes to the National Apprenticeship System

In this public comment, JFF provides recommendations to the United States Department of Labor on enhancing its proposed rules for the national apprenticeship system to enable an effective and equitable model that works for apprentices…

March 13, 2024

Innovative Wraparound Support Solutions That Help Workers Succeed

An in-depth scan of the market of solutions employers can use to expand employee access to wraparound supports that remove barriers to success on the job.  Key Takeaways Employers need to understand the factors such…

March 13, 2024

On-Ramps to Postsecondary Transitions

On-Ramps to Postsecondary Transitions is a groundbreaking model smoothing student transitions from high school to postsecondary education and the workforce through a connected, streamlined college and career readiness navigation system. Partners Colorado Succeeds NORC at…

March 7, 2024

Regional Solutions for Growing Quality Green Jobs

This data-informed guide is designed to help regional leaders better understand and leverage their potential to promote the growth of quality green jobs. Key Partners Ares Charitable Foundation and World Resources Institute   Special Thanks To…

March 5, 2024

Explore our blog

Where do we stand on the biggest education, economic, and equity issues of the day? Read our blog to find out.