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55 results

How High Schools and Colleges Can Team Up to Use Data and Increase Student Success

How High Schools and Colleges Can Team Up to Use Data and Increase Student Success Ready or Not: It’s Time to Rethink the 12th Grade High schools and colleges could help many more young people…

June 18, 2018

A Blueprint for SAP Education Initiatives

A Blueprint for SAP Education Initiatives Global software company SAP has developed a promising approach to corporate social responsibility. To maximize its impact and prepare the next generation of STEM professionals, SAP created initiatives for…

June 11, 2018

Creating Strong Transitions From High School Through College: A Progress Report on Redesigning Senior Year

How can educators prepare more high school seniors to enter college and thrive during the first critical year? We highlight three success stories from JFF’s work guiding school district community college partnerships. How can educators…

May 30, 2018

How to Scale College in High School

How to Scale College in High School This guide provides state and local policymakers with a clear roadmap for leveraging the Every Student Succeeds Act to support the implementation of early college and dual enrollment…

May 30, 2018

Beyond Academic Readiness: Building a Broader Range of Skills for Success in College

Beyond Academic Readiness: Building a Broader Range of Skills for Success in College Continuing the series on rethinking the 12th grade, this paper explores non-academic skills that demonstrate college readiness, including time management, goal setting,…

May 30, 2018

Building Student Momentum from High School into College

Building Student Momentum from High School into College Elisabeth Barnett of the Community College Research Center proposes research-based markers and milestones of student momentum from 12th grade through the first year of college.    …

May 30, 2018

Addressing the 61st Hour Challenge: Collaborating in El Paso to Create Seamless Pathways from High School to College

Addressing the 61st Hour Challenge: Collaborating in El Paso to Create Seamless Pathways from High School to College JFF and the Greater Texas Foundation’s new report documents an early college program in El Paso, Texas…

May 30, 2018

Co-Design, Co-Delivery, and Co-Validation

Co-Design, Co-Delivery, and Co-Validation This paper, part of a series on rethinking 12th grade, explores how collaboration between high school and colleges is key to ensuring postsecondary success for students.   See More Reports in…

May 30, 2018

Early-College High Schools Beat the Odds

Early-College High Schools Beat the Odds Early college high schools across the country are opening up postsecondary education opportunities to a more diverse group of students, including students of color and low-income students. Published by…

May 30, 2018

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