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55 results

Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship Field-Building

Youth apprenticeship represents a proven approach to addressing the skills gap. Career Launch Chicago has developed a promising model for youth apprenticeships and engagement with partners to support the effort.  Results JFF engaged a broad…

June 18, 2024

Improve Today, Invent Tomorrow: A Call to Reboot Dual Enrollment

A Call to Reboot Dual Enrollment Dual enrollment and early college increase the number of high schoolers who succeed in college. Over the past two decades, they’ve grown from boutique opportunities to widespread college success…

May 9, 2024

On-Ramps to Postsecondary Transitions

On-Ramps to Postsecondary Transitions is a groundbreaking model smoothing student transitions from high school to postsecondary education and the workforce through a connected, streamlined college and career readiness navigation system. Partners Colorado Succeeds NORC at…

March 7, 2024

Tennessee SySTEM Dual Enrollment Work-Based Courses

The Tennessee SySTEM grant supports the implementation of dual enrollment work-based courses, which combine dual enrollment credit and work-based learning through an employer partner, to better support the advancement of Black and Latine students, students…

January 18, 2024

Increasing College Access Network

Increasing College Access Network (ICAN) redefines online dual enrollment by combining the power of social-emotional learning, community partnership, instructor preparation, and intentional recruitment to improve student outcomes and provide students an opportunity to engage in…

October 13, 2023
Case Study

Scaling Dual Enrollment in Rural Communities

Dual enrollment is a powerful mechanism to support college readiness and success for high school students across the country. Rural schools provide unique advantages but face distinct challenges in creating effective dual enrollment opportunities for…

April 24, 2023

The Big Blur

An argument for erasing the boundaries between high school, college, and careers, and creating one new system that works for everyone. The Problem It’s time to give up tinkering and instead take on a radical…

January 19, 2023

Lone Star STEM

Lone Star STEM supports the implementation of college and career pathways in computer science and cybersecurity to develop a diverse talent pipeline of future tech workers. Lone Star STEM supports the implementation of college and…

September 16, 2022

Strengthening STEM and Computer Science Outcomes for Tennessee High School Students

The Work-Based Courses Blueprint is a foundational guide for all Tennessee SySTEM school sites engaged in designing and developing work-based courses for 11th and 12th grade students. Specifically, this blueprint covers pertinent work-based courses topics…

March 29, 2022

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