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62 results

California Workforce Framework for Regional Plan Implementation

The Framework is designed to support workforce boards in building regional data capacity to identify, coordinate, and track the impact of regional activities. In addition, the Framework outlines how workforce boards can strategically align to…

September 23, 2022

Modernizing Career Navigation in the United States

To help all students and jobseekers better navigate the rapidly changing job market and make informed choices about their educational and career paths, the United States must make systemic reforms and strategic investments in career…

September 15, 2022

Cluster-Based, Inclusive Regional Economic Development

Cluster-based economic development can be an effective strategy for regions to generate economic growth that benefits all residents, provided that equity and inclusion are at the center of the approach. JFF explores an emerging case…

May 27, 2022

Texas Policies for Reconnecting Opportunity Youth in Back on Track Pathways

Texas Policies for Reconnecting Opportunity Youth in Back on Track Pathways This paper provides an overview of Texas policies that support Back on Track pathways for opportunity youth to attain high school and postsecondary credentials,…

September 24, 2021

American Rescue Plan Funds Can Transform Education for Young Adults

The recently passed American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides states with an unprecedented opportunity to use federal stimulus funds for innovative new educational programs supporting students who have fallen behind—including the millions of high school…

May 18, 2021

From Competencies to Curriculum: Building Career Paths for Frontline Workers in Behavioral Health

From Competencies to Curriculum: Building Career Paths for Frontline Workers in Behavioral Health Workers on the front lines of behavioral health play a critical role in the care of people with mental illness, substance abuse…

April 1, 2021

The Next Challenge: Advancement of Low-Skilled, Low-Wage Workers

The Next Challenge: Advancement of Low-Skilled, Low-Wage Workers With the series Advancement for Low-Wage Workers , Jobs for the Future seeks to elevate discussion of this critical issue within and outside the workforce field. These…

April 1, 2021

Growing Their Own Skilled Workforces: Community Health Centers Benefit from Work-Based Learning for Frontline Employees

Growing Their Own Skilled Workforces: Community Health Centers Benefit from Work-Based Learning for Frontline Employees Health care reform calls for unprecedented investments in the nation’s community health centers, paving the way to serve millions more…

April 1, 2021

Jobs to Careers in Community-Based Care

Jobs to Careers in Community-Based Care A project in Oregon to improve the work of elder caregivers in community-based settings is a timely response to the convergence of several pressing factors: an aging population, growing…

April 1, 2021

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