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14 results

Framework for High-Quality Pre-Apprenticeship:

This pre-apprenticeship framework outlines the six essential elements of a high-quality pre-apprenticeship program with a focus on CTE. Results This pre-apprenticeship framework outlines the six essential elements of a high-quality pre-apprenticeship program with a focus…

June 21, 2024

Youth Apprenticeship Road Map: A Youth Apprenticeship Intermediary Journey

Jobs for the Future (JFF) was contracted by the U.S. Department of Labor as a Youth Apprenticeship Intermediary (YAI) between 2019 and 2023. This road map is an account of the strategies implemented and lessons…

June 20, 2024

Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship Field-Building

Youth apprenticeship represents a proven approach to addressing the skills gap. Career Launch Chicago has developed a promising model for youth apprenticeships and engagement with partners to support the effort.  Results JFF engaged a broad…

June 18, 2024

Further Your Youth Apprenticeship Program with an Online Communications Strategy

This guide will help your youth apprenticeship program develop an online communications strategy to reach your program goals. You will learn how to identify your key audiences, messages, and channels, and how to use tools…

January 20, 2023

Back to School, Back to Startups: Supporting Youth Apprenticeship, Entrepreneurship, and Workforce Development

This Sept. 15 testimony by JFF senior director Deborah Kobes to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Small Businesses Subcommittee on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Workforce Development outlines the value of youth apprenticeship for small…

September 15, 2022

The Current State of Diversity and Equity in U.S. Apprenticeships For Young People

Jobs for the Future (JFF) recently analyzed a decade of federal RA data from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)’s Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database System (RAPIDS) to glean insights about the system’s youngest apprentices—ages…

September 13, 2022

Youth Apprenticeship: A Vision for the Future, A Plan for Today

Learn more about the promise of apprenticeship for in-school and out-of-school youth. Learn more about the promise of apprenticeship for in-school and out-of-school youth. Visit JFF's Center for Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning Panels Introduction &…

November 16, 2021

Youth Apprenticeship in Action: Principles in Practice

This brief explains how the core components of youth apprenticeship programs fit together and presents a set of principles that providers can adopt to improve the quality of their programs. Youth apprenticeship is a proven…

September 21, 2021

How to Register an Apprenticeship Program

Complete your Standards of Apprenticeship—an essential part of registering an apprenticeship program—with this training course. Complete your Standards of Apprenticeship—an essential part of registering an apprenticeship program—with this training course. Trouble accessing? Learn how to…

September 14, 2021

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