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JFF CEO Maria Flynn in “New Report: Youth Apprenticeship Participation Doubled in Ten Years; Equity Gaps Nearly Unchanged”

Building a more accessible and inclusive system of apprenticeship is a talent, a business—and an equity—imperative.

JFF CEO Maria Flynn in “New Report: Youth Apprenticeship Participation Doubled in Ten Years; Equity Gaps Nearly Unchanged”

Jobs for the Future issued a press release announcing the publication of a report that found that while youth participation in Registered Apprenticeship programs has more than doubled over the past 10 years, equity gaps based on race, ethnicity, and gender have remained nearly unchanged in that time.

“At a time when employers face a shortage of skilled talent, building a more accessible and inclusive system of apprenticeship is a talent, a business—and an equity—imperative. We can’t afford to leave any talent on the table,” said JFF CEO Maria Flynn was quoted as saying in the press release. “Registered Apprenticeship is a proven strategy for helping young people earn fair wages while learning on the job. Nonetheless, this research makes it clear that despite their growth and potential, youth apprenticeship has not yet fully delivered on its potential to positively impact social and economic mobility for women of all backgrounds and people of color.”

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