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JFF CEO Maria Flynn in “New Workforce Initiative Will Connect Immigrants and Refugees in Rural Areas With Employment Opportunities"

October 6, 2022

Immigrants and refugees have established themselves as valued economic contributors in rural communities.

JFF CEO Maria Flynn in “New Workforce Initiative Will Connect Immigrants and Refugees in Rural Areas With Employment Opportunities"

In a press release, Jobs for the Future announced a two-year initiative to promote economic advancement for immigrants, refugees, and migrant workers in rural areas.

The Rural Immigrant Success Exchange (RISE), a partnership with Ascendium and the World Education Services Mariam Assefa Fund, will build a network of education and training providers who will work to break down barriers to education, training, and employment for immigrant and refugee workers residing in rural communities across the United States.

“Immigrants and refugees have established themselves as valued economic contributors in rural communities. They open small businesses and provide a vital source of talent in diverse industries like manufacturing, agriculture, health care and construction,” said JFF President and CEO Maria Flynn. “At a time when rural and remote communities are grappling with business stagnation, population decline and policy disinvestment, investing in the skills and talents of immigrants and refugees can help to strengthen rural businesses and revitalize communities.”