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JFF VP Cat Ward in “For Today’s Employees, Career Pathing Is Non-Negotiable”

April 4, 2023

Practices & Centers

Companies must build a corporate culture that supports—and proactively links—lifelong learning and career mobility.

JFF VP Cat Ward in “For Today’s Employees, Career Pathing Is Non-Negotiable”

In a recent Talent Management op-ed, Jobs for the Future Vice President Cat Ward encourages employers to create more training and skills development opportunities for employees and adopt formal career pathing practices.

She explains that people want to work for companies that offer training and points out that workers have the power to demand opportunities for advancement because this is “undeniably an employee’s market.”

“Organizations that do not invest in career pathing now may soon be left behind,” Ward writes, and identifies companies that are leading the way in that area, including Accenture, JPMorgan Chase, and Walmart.

“Companies must build a corporate culture that supports—and proactively links—lifelong learning and career mobility,” she maintains.