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JFF VP Michael Collins in “Filling the Gaps in Equity Between Higher Education and the Workplace”

August 30, 2022

Practices & Centers

[Professional social capital] provides access and opportunity in the labor market.

JFF VP Michael Collins in “Filling the Gaps in Equity Between Higher Education and the Workplace”

Jobs for the Future Vice President Michael Collins was interviewed on a recent episode of the podcast “In the Margins,” which is produced by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education.

In the episode, Diverse Executive Editor Jamal Watson interviews Collins and Kimberly Underwood, associate faculty member and research chair at the University of Phoenix (UOPX), about the partnership that JFF and UOPX have forged to drive equitable economic advancement for Black workers and learners.

“In the case of the JFF and University of Phoenix partnership, what we care most about is what we call professional social capital,” Collins says in the podcast. “It’s this kind of social capital that provides access and opportunity in the labor market. The kind of relationships that are conducive to information about opportunities and also even action.”