JFF WBL Bookshelf: Advanced Manufacturing
May 27, 2020
At a Glance
Our favorite resources on work-based learning in advanced manufacturing from across the field.
JFF’s bookshelf pulls together our favorite reads on apprenticeship and work-based learning from across the field. We’ll continue to update our bookshelves as new favorites emerge, so be sure to check back for the latest!
Kentucky FAME: Fulfilling the Promise of Apprenticeship
Opportunity America, Brookings Institution, October 2020
The Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (FAME) is a classic apprenticeship program that combines classroom learning with paid on-the-job experience, teaching skills in demand across an industry. A new report by Opportunity America president Tamar Jacoby and Brookings Institution senior fellow emeritus Ron Haskins draws on focus groups, an online survey and data from the state of Kentucky to shed light on the program and its outcomes for apprentices. Data show that FAME graduates in Kentucky earn between 60 percent and 100 percent more than other career and technical education graduates from the same community colleges. The message for policymakers: earn-and-learn training works, and the nation should redouble its efforts to take the model to scale.
Experts Examine Ways to Build Equity and Diversity in Manufacturing
Alliance for American Manufacturing, June 2020
Hear experts from The Century Foundation and the Urban Manufacturing Alliance in the webinar, “Pursuing Equity, Inclusion and Industrial Rebirth in the Age of COVID-19.” This event addressed several racial barriers in the manufacturing sector, including opportunities in education and workforce development programs, challenges with leadership in the workplace, and preparing for a new generation of diverse manufacturing workers.
Examining the Quality, Market Value, and Effectiveness of Manufacturing Credentials in the United States
WorkCred, July 2018
With numerous credentials in the manufacturing industry—most not recognized by an independent third party—the uncertain quality of some certificates creates a buyer-beware environment. How can individuals find the right credentials that will enhance their ability to find employment or further their careers? And how will manufacturers know what type and level of knowledge and skills a credential holder has?
Well-developed credentials must be aligned to the current skills needs, and must be updated in order to remain valid as skill requirements continue to change. This can only be done by establishing effective communication among key communities, including manufacturers; credentialing organizations; education and training providers; and local, state, and federal governments.
This research study examines the quality, market value, and effectiveness of manufacturing credentials, and examines the need for new or improved credentials to advance U.S. manufacturing.
Manufacturing and Registered Apprenticeship Toolkit
AFL-CIO Working for America Institute and Apprenticeship USA, June 2017
This toolkit assists companies, unions, and other stakeholders to develop, register, and implement apprenticeship programs. It includes a description of the key components of Registered Apprenticeship, the relationship to career pathways, and the role of joint labor-management partnerships. A final section discusses apprenticeship readiness programs. The toolkit provides examples of manufacturing occupational standards, lists resources, and identifies members of the Industrial Union Council.