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JFF’s David Altstadt in “National Education and Workforce Nonprofit Unveils an Equitable Economic Recovery Road Map for State Policymakers”

May 4, 2021

A dedicated focus on equity in state policy can help strengthen regional economies by ensuring that every learner and worker has an opportunity to contribute to and benefit from the period of recovery to come.

JFF’s David Altstadt in “National Education and Workforce Nonprofit Unveils an Equitable Economic Recovery Road Map for State Policymakers”

In a press release issued by PR Newswire on May 4, JFF announced the release of its State Policy Road Map for an Equitable Economic Recovery, a resource that offers state officials strategies for crafting policies that promote inclusive and sustainable economic recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Drawing on input from JFF’s extensive networks of education and workforce leaders from around the country, the policy road map includes a range of recommendations for how states can help dislocated workers rebound through targeted skill-building, financial assistance, and career navigation services.

“The economic crisis of the past year has been particularly damaging for low-income workers and underserved communities. A dedicated focus on equity in state policy can help strengthen regional economies by ensuring that every learner and worker has an opportunity to contribute to and benefit from the period of recovery to come,” said David Altstadt, associate director of policy at JFF and lead author of the report.

In addition to announcing the release of its road map, JFF applauded five states—California, Florida, New Jersey, Texas, and Virginia—that are considering or have recently passed legislation that exemplifies the policy recommendations in its road map.

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