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JFF’s Ethan Pollack in “Income Share Agreements Are Growing Up — and Not a Moment Too Soon”
Practices & Centers

The newly introduced legislation… [reveals] a path forward to ISAs as a viable financing option.

JFF’s Ethan Pollack in “Income Share Agreements Are Growing Up — and Not a Moment Too Soon”

Ethan Pollack, director of JFF’s Financing the Future initiative, published an opinion column in the The Hill about the recently introduced bipartisan U.S. Senate bill that proposes regulations to govern income share agreements (ISA).

Acknowledging that ISAs are a contentious issue, he writes that one thing people on both sides of the debate agree on is that there’s a need for “clear and thoughtful consumer protections at both the federal and state level that take into account the unique nature of ISAs and hold them accountable for the promises they make to students.”

“Recent developments like the newly introduced legislation—and the availability of new research on the impact of ISAs—reveal a path forward to ISAs as a viable financing option with strong and consistent protections for borrowers,” he writes.