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JFF’s Felicia Sullivan in “How Workforce and Educational Institutions Can Work Together to Make Digital Inclusion a Reality”

September 9, 2022

You need that access.... So much of our day-to-day lives is dependent upon [broadband] connectivity.

JFF’s Felicia Sullivan in “How Workforce and Educational Institutions Can Work Together to Make Digital Inclusion a Reality”

JFF Research Director Felicia Sullivan was interviewed on a recent episode of The Broadband Bunch Podcast.

She discussed some of the themes addressed in a panel discussion she participated in on June 22 at the Broadband Access Summit, which was hosted by the Pew Charitable Trusts.

“You need that conduit, you need that access. Communication. Information. So much of our day-to-day lives is dependent upon that connectivity,” she said in the podcast while discussing the importance of ensuring that everyone has access to broadband internet service.

“But once you have that connectivity and the access, people need to understand how they can use it. It needs to be affordable. They need to understand how they can apply it to their own lives. And then there need to be folks who can help guide individuals.”