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JFF’s Megha Bansal Rizoli in “Workers Don’t Think Their Employers Are Doing Enough in Response to ‘Roe’ — And It Could Lead to More Quits”

October 27, 2022

Practices & Centers

It’s incumbent on the employer to communicate, to make sure that employees know where they stand.

JFF’s Megha Bansal Rizoli in “Workers Don’t Think Their Employers Are Doing Enough in Response to ‘Roe’ — And It Could Lead to More Quits”

JFF Director of Organizational Strategy Megha Bansal Rizoli was quoted in a Fortune article about how workers are reacting to their employers’ responses to the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Bansal Rizoli told Fortune that it’s the employer’s responsibility to make sure that their employees understand the benefits they are providing, including what options they have if they live in a state that instituted stronger abortion restrictions or an outright ban following the Supreme Court’s decision.

“It’s incumbent on the employer to communicate, to make sure that employees know where they stand, and to remove some of the ambiguity that comes with navigating the social and political issues right now,” said Bansal Rizoli.

She continued on to emphasize the importance of employers providing remote work options and flexible paid time off—and she noted that the need for employers to offer these kinds of benefits will increase in the years to come.

“The responsibility that some employers have, combined with this intersection of political and social issues we’ve seen over and over again for the last 10 to 15 years, is only going to get more important,” she said.