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JFF’s Myriam Sullivan in “Youth Apprentices Doubled in the Past Decade—But Rewards Were Uneven”

September 20, 2022

Some of the disparities we see in the current [apprenticeship] system are being replicated.

JFF’s Myriam Sullivan in “Youth Apprentices Doubled in the Past Decade—But Rewards Were Uneven”

A Work Shift article about Jobs for the Future’s recent report about youth participation in apprenticeship, “The Current State of Diversity and Equity in U.S. Apprenticeships for Young People,” quoted Myriam Sullivan, a director in the JFF Center for Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning and one of the report’s authors.

In reference to the report’s finding that, even though youth participation in Registered Apprenticeship programs has more than doubled over the past 10 years, equity gaps based on race, ethnicity, and gender have remained nearly unchanged in that time, Sullivan said, “It was great to see that the numbers were increasing, but what was disappointing was to see that some of the disparities we see in the current system are being replicated” in youth apprenticeships.

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