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JFF’s Stephen Yadzinski in “From Confusion to Clarity in Today’s Dynamic Education and Training Marketplace”
Practices & Centers

How do we know which [education and training] programs work? … How do we measure quality?

JFF’s Stephen Yadzinski in “From Confusion to Clarity in Today’s Dynamic Education and Training Marketplace”

Jobs for the Future Chief Innovation Officer Stephen Yadzinski recently published an opinion column in The Evolllution about the important role that the Education Quality Outcomes Standards (EQOS) evaluative framework can play in helping learners and workers make sense of today’s education and training market.

JFF recently acquired the nonprofit that maintains the EQOS framework, seeing the need for a tool that helps people identify quality education and training programs in a market where some 1 million unique credentials and certificates are available.

Noting that the rapid increase in education and training options comes in response to demand from workers and learners who must continually acquire new skills to remain competitive in today’s job market, Yadzinski writes, “Despite this excitement and energy, the market still faces a central problem: How do we know which programs work? How do workers and learners, as well as employers, public workforce systems and other stakeholders know the difference between a high- and low-quality program? How do we measure quality?”