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JFF’s Taj Eldridge on Entrepreneurs for Impact: “The Man of Many Hats — Taj Eldridge, Investor at Include Ventures & Director at Jobs for the Future”

January 13, 2023

At a Glance

JFF’s Taj Eldridge discusses the importance of place-based innovation and investing to empower the climate tech industry and create climate-resilient jobs.

Practices & Centers

Less than 2% of all venture capital goes to Black or Latinx-led companies. Black venture investors are seeking to change that through their own funds and angel investments, especially in the realm of climate technology.

As a guest on an episode of the podcast “Entrepreneurs for Impact,” Taj Eldridge, director of climate innovation at Jobs for the Future and a general partner and co-founder of Include Ventures, reflected on the importance of investing in place-based innovation and the need to reframe climate change as a mission focused on public health, social equity, and economics.

He also discussed the Climate-Resilient Employees for a Sustainable Tomorrow (CREST) initiative, through which JFF, the Ares Charitable Foundation, and the World Resources Institute are working to create 25,000 new, climate-resilient jobs over the next five years.

We’ve been using the term ‘green wealth’ to define what we feel like climate change is going to elicit for people. It’s going to create an opportunity for people to build wealth differently.

Taj Eldridge, Director of Climate Innovation, JFF, on Entrepreneurs for Impact