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MyInnerGenius | Accelerating Impact with JFFLabs

MyInnerGenius | Accelerating Impact with JFFLabs

Career fit assessments that help people discover what they do best and connect them with careers that match their natural skills, abilities, and personalities.

January 9, 2020

At a Glance

Career fit assessments that help people discover what they do best and connect them with careers that match their natural skills, abilities, and personalities.

Steve Yadzinski Chief Strategy & Impact Officer
Denise Leaser, CEO, GreatBizTools

Powerful forces like automation and AI are driving sweeping changes to the world of work and the skills that companies need to compete. These changes represent potential market demand and a meaningful social impact opportunity. Career fit assessments are a promising way to identify innate skills, abilities, and personality traits to match people to careers they will love. By aligning career recommendations to training between workers and opportunities provided by companies, this allows participants to get meaningful, actionable results so they can get started in a new career.

MyInnerGenius assesses students, employees, and jobseekers for pre-training, workforce rebalancing, and career planning to help them discover the perfect career match regardless of education or background. MyInnerGenius is a product of GreatBizTools, an HR technology company with a 40-year history of helping enterprises and small businesses improve their hiring and skills programs. MyInnerGenius focuses on helping people, as well as businesses. The company is working on an initiative with IBM to help people get started in new careers in IT. People can use MyInnerGenius for free and align their career recommendations to IBM training.

Laptop screen displaying a career fit assessment with sections on creative ability, communication, problem-solving, and attention. Recommended career as Technology Specialist.

MyInnerGenius Career Fit is a new science-based, non-biased solution that can assess cognitive skills, abilities, personality traits, and knowledge, regardless of education level, to identify the jobs that people were born to do.

JFF is partnering with MyInnerGenius by focusing on pilot efforts that effectively identify prospects with non STEM backgrounds who have the capacity to be successful in IT roles. Areas of opportunity may include technology-based apprenticeship programs that create opportunities for low- and middle-skill workers to train in high-growth industries. In part, JFF is developing recommendations that will guide MyInnerGenius’ foundational go-to-market orientation that articulates the unique value for employers, positioning the product to scale in a way that’s poised to create both value for business, as well as economic mobility for workers.

My Inner Genius logo with text stating candidates using the service are twice as likely to stay in a job and 2.5 times more likely to be effective in their job.

Many people are in the wrong careers and don’t realize they are within reach of a better job. Most just need a few skills. Others don’t even know where to begin, what kind of career they should seek, and how to get there. Working with JFF, we’re going to change that and help people find careers they will love, careers that will enrich their lives.

Denise Leaser, president, GreatBizTools LLC